Page name: Animal Lovers United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-09-12 07:25:36
Last author: Neya
Owner: Neya
# of watchers: 27
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<img:>Welcome to all who love animals<img:>

This wiki page is for all who cherish their pets or just feel something really special for animals

Pictures of you and your pet can be put here if you'd like. It would, of course, be more fun ^_^
If you want to join the list of animal lovers too, message me([Neya]) and I'll add your name (and picture?) to the list
You can add your own name to the list.

However, If I see anyone change things that aren't their's on this page, I will put a password on this page and report this to the guards..
(this is one thing I mean, even if they are changes in a good way, I don't want people changing things without discussing it with me first)

But above all, have fun! :)

Thank you for joining :)

The founder of this wiki page, [Neya]


<img:>The List of Animal Lovers<img:>

<img:>members 1-50 Animal lovers united
<img:>members 51-100 Animal lovers united

101. [BlackTearsCry]
102. [PiT bUlL gIrL_33]
103. [Bewitched91]
104. [Alianore] I am a cat
105. [Danny Zuko]
106. [Know Why You Believe]
107. [must be loved]
108. [Harun]
109. [hotty with a body]
110. [pixietrick55]
111. [kittykittykitty]
112. [babycheechee]
113. [Lhung Eruva]



<img:>Animal lovers united pictures part 1
<img:>Animal lovers united pictures part 2
<img:>Animal lovers united pictures part 3
<img:>Animal lovers united pictures part 4
<img:>Animal lovers united pictures part 5

Pictures of animal lovers and their pets can be put up here

(and then I will move them to the correct wiki page)


<img:>Animal Lovers Badges<img:>

We have badges! If you have one you would like to donate, please put it on the badges page.

And if you join this wiki, please but up one of the banners.. and get more animal lovers to visit :D

You're more than welcome to write something behind your name about animals.

thank you
and talk 2 ya soon, I hope


<img:>Animal Cruelty<img:>

Animal cruelty is a very serious problem, and it is WE, the humans that cause this horrible things! Why should the animals suffer to make us satisfied? That’s a question we should ask ourselves very often. Here are some of the subjects relating to this matter:

Factory Farming:

When you stuff yourself with a big, tasty hamburger with cheese, salad and meat, what do you think at that point? Do you think the meat in the hamburger comes from an ox that had a great life and walked free all the time and ate natural food? Well, if you think that, then you got to think again! Oxen, cows, sheep’s, pigs, chickens and turkeys are some of the animals that truly live in hell! For 5 chickens, they only have 30x30 cm to walk, eat and sleep on! And how they get slaughtered is not very nice either! Pigs get locked up in small cages and they don’t even see the daylight the few months they live! So the next time you eat something tasty and delicious that is called meat, then think about what you just read!

Animal Testing:

animal testing is probably the worst sort of cruelty ever! Rabbits, guinea pigs,
mice, rats and primates is the animals who are most exposed in the area of cosmetic (testing) and some of them also in medicine (testing). Why should they die so we can go and buy new mascara from max factor?? It’s disgusting to think about our greediness, when we at the same point are part of killing so many innocent animals!

Fur Farming:

Fur is also disgusting! Why does someone want to be part of killing over 100 minks, just for ONE fur coat? And 40 foxes have to be killed for ONE fox coat!! That’s kind of sick to think about! So PLEASE, DO NOT BUY FUR!! In animal testing you cant always know for sure, but you can be sure when you see a fur!

I only choose these three issues, But there are so many more!


These are recommended sites where you can learn about different types of animal cruelty, see videos or pictures for proof, and see how you can help:  

<img:>ESACA (Elftown Stopping Animal Cruelty Association)
<img:>Animal Cruelty

If there are any questions, you can contact [Cathy]
(or [kittykittykitty]) and you will probably be provided with an informing answer


If you are AGAINST animal cruelty, please add your name here to let everyone know!

~[Ghost the Hybrid]
~[Waste of time]
~[HellaGothic(i am your darkness)]
~[must be loved]


Username (or number or email):


2004-10-20 [lostinspace]: hi peoples'

2004-10-20 [Cathy]: hehe! sure nenya! I guess I can try :P [lostinspace] u will get a list on a message! :)

2004-10-20 [Neya]: great cathy ^_^ hey you!!

2004-10-20 [Cathy]: hey! hehe! soo ehmm.. what should I do then? should I write about all kinds of animal cruelty?? or the things that I think is very important?

2004-10-20 [Neya]: write about what you want to write about ;) and make sure you have time to write it:P.. so.. I you write it, can you send it to me in a message? then I'll read it and put it up, k?:)

2004-10-20 [Cathy]: okey! I`ll do that! But it could take some time tho! but I will try doing my best! :D

2004-10-20 [Neya]: sure take all the time you need, absolutely no rush *smiles*

2004-10-21 [Gwendylyyn]: Gwen's animals Check it out....if you want...

2004-10-21 [lostinspace]: wass up people?

2004-10-21 [Cathy]: nuthin! :p i`vee been at work!! first school from 8 o clock and then work from four to nine!!! :P

2004-10-27 [lostinspace]: sheesh how do oyu do it?

2004-10-27 [Neya]: good question indeed:P

2004-10-27 [lostinspace]: lol i wish i could im dying to get a job

2004-10-27 [Neya]: find one;)

2004-10-27 [lostinspace]: i can't no one will hire until 16 and even if so i have no way to get home from work ill just have to wait a few months

2004-10-27 [Neya]: ahhwww well, have a bit of patience and you'll be fine ^_^

2004-10-27 [lostinspace]: yeas i know just need the money badly

2004-10-27 [Neya]: yeah.. oh well it's not like you have much choice huh :)

2004-10-27 [lostinspace]: lol yeah i know anyway....

2004-10-28 [Cathy]: hehe! its not hard to get a job tho, but a funny one is very hard!! I sell somethin called over phone :p

2004-10-28 [lostinspace]: lol my bro has a job on the side for his free time as a personal shopper

2004-10-29 [Cathy]: lol thats soo cool! who does he shop for? a star? angelina jouli? just kidd :P

2004-10-29 [lostinspace]: lol no it's like he goes on the internet and looks at the "missions". They can be to go to a store like walmart for half an hour to an hour and look for shoplifters,or examine bath rooms, or test customer service or something and he can get up to 200 dollars per mission

2004-10-30 [Cathy]: wow!!! 200 dollars! thats a lot of nice money :P

2004-10-30 [Gwendylyyn]: Well, I have classes until around 3 or 4 every day and then I get to come back here. Then I have to go to work for about 2 or 3 hours at my day job when they need me and I have to work every week night and some weekends from 9pm to 1am.

2004-10-30 [Cathy]: uggh! that sounds very awful! U dont have much spear time then?

2004-10-30 [Neya]: WOW you're busy:S

2004-11-01 [lostinspace]: damn, i feel for ya

2004-11-08 [Gwendylyyn]: Yeah...I'm almost always doin stuff....but I am moving soon so....:shrugs: By the way...since you are all members of this wiki, I thought I might let you know about another. It is not my wiki but I thought that people who are here should probably/would probably like to know about it. Animal Cruelty

2004-11-08 [Gwendylyyn]: By the way, if you can't stand the sight of might want to watch out on this sight...they don't hide things. They are trying to stop animal cruelty....and they don't bar what they show...So if you're squeemish....

2004-11-09 [Cathy]: [Gwendylyyn] u have absolutly right!

2004-11-09 [lostinspace]: yayness

2004-11-10 [Your/*/Lullaby]: how can u kiss a cat? bleugh

2004-11-10 [Neya]: ahwww it's sweet:P

2004-11-10 [Your/*/Lullaby]: but they lick!??!!! ew!

2004-11-10 [Neya]: uhhh... not while you give them a kiss:S

2004-11-10 [Your/*/Lullaby]: but they clean themselves

2004-11-10 [Neya]: yeah I know;)

2004-11-10 [Your/*/Lullaby]: ha ha! oops sorry

2004-11-10 [Neya]: hehe ahw why sorry?:P

2004-11-10 [Your/*/Lullaby]: becuase it reminded me of something

2004-11-10 [Neya]: uhh?? ok what?:P

2004-11-10 [Your/*/Lullaby]: dont worry

2004-11-10 [Neya]: I worry;)

2004-11-11 [lostinspace]: hi

2004-11-11 [Your/*/Lullaby]: well dont

2004-11-13 [Neya]: ahhwwww those dalmations are SO sweet too ^_^

2004-11-14 [Angel]: Hi!I am currently hosting a contest to determine who has the cutest cat on elftown, please go to Cutest cat contest (or the C.C.C) for more information ^_^

2004-11-14 [Neya]: ohh cool ^_^

2004-11-15 [Angel]: sorry!link was broken!i left out a space ^_^;; it has now been fixed

2004-11-16 [lostinspace]: hi

2004-11-16 [Your/*/Lullaby]: meh

2004-11-17 [Cathy]: hey all! some days ago I watched a magazine they produce in Norway! And I saw that they were doing comerciel for A LOT of fur coats and shit! and not only mink and rabbit, but also fox, snow fox, silver fox and blue fox, and all of them are endangered species.. so I wrote a mail to them and told them that they shouldent do commerciel for fur.. so i hope I`ll get a positive answer, if not I will write about it in the media! moaha! Hate that magazine! so hows it going with ya all?

2004-11-18 [lostinspace]: his

2004-12-31 [bluewolfgirl]: Hey! Here! I'm a huge animal lover. Everything from creulity, testing, and even declawing cats. =-_-=. I'm 13 and I raise money for animals and speak out for them. I'm alsoa a big spay/nuteur person. Most people say its nice to let their animals have babies when they are just adding to the population. Mostly I hate doing stuff for personal gain. People declaw cats not thinking how creul that is for personal gain. Testing for personal gain (makeup?!?) yadda yadda. Humans are creul creatures and I'll shut up now. =^^=

2005-01-01 [unavailable]: happy new year

2005-01-01 [Neya]: I agree bluewolfgirl :) cathy wrote a part about that at the bottom of the page here as well :)

2005-01-07 [LadyKris]: Please pray for my dog Puppup she's really sick and since you are all animal lovers I figured you'd understand. Please keep her in your prayers!

2005-01-07 [Neya]: ahhwww whats the matter with her!?:(

2005-01-08 [LadyKris]: she's been having seizures and can't walk or eat, but the only bright spot is that she is drinking water... Oh, I hope she gets well. Thank you so much for keeping her in your thoughts.

2005-01-25 [freakchild]:

New Wiki! The Horse

2005-02-02 [Neya]: lol OHHH 66 members.. and such cute pics of their pets *huggels8

2005-02-04 [Cathy]: im so sorry to hear about ur dog [LadyKris] i`ll hope she`S getting better, its so sad when friends dies.. cus their some of our best friends :)

2005-02-08 [Apey]: I have a pet rat who I love very much and I also take care of our fish. Sorry about your dog LadyKris hope she gets well.

2005-02-13 [Neya]: how is she doing by the way?

2005-03-02 [DawnUnicorn]: my bunny just died :( but i'll keep the pic up

2005-03-02 [Neya]: oh I'm so sorry:( what happend to it?

2005-03-02 [DawnUnicorn]: she was just very old and it was too cold for her.. i dont live at home so i had no idea :'(

2005-03-02 [Neya]: ahww :( you poor thing :(

2005-03-03 [DawnUnicorn]: im ok tho.. she's safer now than she's ever been...

2005-03-03 [Neya]: I'm sure she had a great life with you:)

2005-03-03 [DawnUnicorn]: I very much hope so

2005-03-13 [BlackDragon]: Anyone here who has Japanese dancing mice?

2005-03-13 [Neya]: nope :) never heard of them either??:S

2005-03-13 [BlackDragon]: More pics of them at Photos of my pets, BlackDragon They are quite rare, I dont know if they have come to the US yet, so far they are mostly in Estonia, Finland and Russia.

2005-03-13 [Blaithin]: Do they actually dance or just jump around?

2005-03-13 [BlackDragon]: They jump around a lot, and they only get 7cm so they are tiny!

2005-03-13 [Blaithin]: 7 cm is big to me for a mouse, excluding the tail of course. Anything bigger is a rat hehe

2005-03-13 [BlackDragon]: Mice are 13-15 cm I think. Rats are a lot bigger.

2005-03-13 [Blaithin]: yes, Ive had the pleasure of meeting some. And not well behaved pet rats either

2005-03-13 [BlackDragon]: There is a differance between wild mice/rats and pet mice/rats.

2005-03-13 [Blaithin]: I know. But not to the degree some people think there is.

2005-03-13 [Blaithin]: Ok, I finally got Cute Pooch Contest up and running. Go check it out.

2005-03-29 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: I have a pic of my kitty on my house/profile type thingy...her name is Sissy

2005-03-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hi i love my ded cat does you think that that is strange?????

2005-03-29 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: no i'd still love my cat if she died...shes the only thing that can really make me happy when im down in a matter of seconds. Its not strange, dont worry about it.

2005-03-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok but does you think that he still sleeps in my bed even if he is burried??????

2005-03-29 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: maybe his spirit, i have no idea. I have no idea about after life or nething like it.

2005-03-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: he is my guardian angle now^^

2005-03-29 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: awww....look at my profile/ cats pic is on there

2005-03-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok i will^^

2005-03-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: aww she is cut.i have a new cat she is in my house take a look^^

2005-03-29 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: awww she's adorable.

2005-03-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know i named her honey cous she are my little honey^^lol

2005-03-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: wasn't that cute???????

2005-03-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i thout so^^

2005-03-29 [Neya]: ahwwww cute cats ^_^

2005-03-29 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: thnx

2005-03-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: thanx^^

2005-04-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: how do i join?????

2005-04-01 [Neya]: just add your name to the list :)

2005-04-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok^^i will

2005-04-02 [sharpie3]: haven't been here in a long time

2005-04-02 [Neya]: lol well now you're back huh ;)

2005-04-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hi everyone

2005-04-05 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: HI EVERY1

2005-04-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hi hi

2005-04-05 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: whoa? u just join? :)

2005-04-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: na it was like a week ago

2005-04-05 [Neya]: hehe :P

2005-04-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^

2005-04-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hi^^

2005-04-07 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: hey, wats up?

2005-04-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: nothingt

2005-04-08 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: sounds um, fun?

2005-04-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ya doesn't it^^?????

2005-04-08 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: yup:)

2005-04-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^

2005-04-08 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: goin over to a friends bbl

2005-04-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok c ya

2005-04-09 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: otay:)

2005-04-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hi

2005-04-13 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: hey:)

2005-04-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: how are you?????

2005-04-14 [sharpie3]: have you heard that there going to shoot cats in Ohio. I gess there are to many of them. I'm a hunter and an animal lover, and i say this is just sick.

2005-04-14 [Neya]: ohh that is sick:S:S:S:S

2005-04-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ya it is^^

2005-04-15 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: awwwww poor kitties.....:'(

2005-04-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hmmmm

2005-04-23 [Neya]: and again, more and more new members ^_^ welcome!!

2005-04-23 [Ghost the Hybrid]: thanx^^

2005-04-24 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: wow, everyone is welcome.......yippeee I should put my name up there twice.

2005-04-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok???????

2005-04-24 [Neya]: uhm.. ok?

2005-04-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^

2005-04-24 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: hyper ok?

2005-04-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok^^I'm sooooooooooo fu**ing tired

2005-04-24 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: im sowwie...

2005-04-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ???????????ok????????????????

2005-04-24 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]:


2005-04-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]:


2005-04-24 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: just make sure *flashes eyelashes*

2005-04-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: my problem is that i can't fall asleep^^

2005-04-24 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: ohhhhhhhhh, go to sleep....

2005-04-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i can't fall asleep thats my problem

2005-05-01 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: take sleeping meds....

2005-05-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: if i can avoid it i'll do that

2005-05-01 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: lol ok

2005-05-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: gtg see ya

2005-05-03 [Aliz]: hi ^_^ can I join?

2005-05-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i dont know but i think so^^

2005-05-03 [Aliz]: you here too ^_^

2005-05-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ya i am^^

2005-05-03 [Aliz]: fun :D

2005-05-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mmm

2005-05-03 [Neya]: of course you can join :) you can always just add your name to the list :)

2005-05-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^

2005-05-04 [Aliz]: *weee* thanks :D

2005-05-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^your welcome^^

2005-05-04 [Aliz]: do I have to put up pics of my animals?

2005-05-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i haven't so i don't think so^^

2005-05-04 [Aliz]: ok....hehe

2005-05-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^so what kind of animal do you have aliz????i got 3 cats and 4 fishes^^

2005-05-04 [Aliz]: wow :P I've only got a dog, rabbit and a guinea pig :P hehe...I used to have a cat...but it died 'bout 6 years ago...I've also had 2 other dogs and another rabbit...they all died some years ago :(

2005-05-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok^^

2005-05-04 [Aliz]: seems like all my animals are kinda dog is psychotic, my rabbit is evil and my guinea pig is REALLY afraid...of everything X_x hehe

2005-05-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok^^lmao^^

2005-05-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^hi^^nyaa

2005-05-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: how are you?????^^nyaaa^^

2005-05-04 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: great, u?

2005-05-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm tired but ok^^nyaa^^

2005-05-05 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: wtf does nyaa mean?

2005-05-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it's the sound that cats says in japanese^^nyaa

2005-05-06 [Aliz]: NYAA ^_^

2005-05-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^hi aliz^^nyaaa^^

2005-05-06 [Aliz]: wazzup? NYAA

2005-05-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: trying to decid what pic i am going to put up in my house^^

2005-05-06 [Aliz]: oki...hehe ^_^

2005-05-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^

2005-05-26 [Neya]: people, if you have pictures of you and your pet, be sure to add them to Animal lovers united pictures part 4!! ^_^

2005-05-26 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^ok^^

2005-05-27 [Aliz]: I have pictures of my pets...*err*

2005-05-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^ok^^

2005-05-28 [Aliz]: but do I HAVE TO put them up?

2005-05-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i don't know

2005-05-28 [Aliz]: I hope

2005-05-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i have some pics of my cat but they'r not good once^^

2005-05-28 [Aliz]: wish I had a cat too :P lol

2005-05-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i have 3 to be honest^^

2005-05-28 [Aliz]: cool :D I saw this documentary-movie thing about leopards last night :P I want a leopard :P lol

2005-05-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i want a tiger^^a white one^^

2005-05-28 [Aliz]: yeah...they are so cute...and they can eat ppl you don't like :D lol

2005-05-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ya i nknow^^

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